I want to start doing a weekly post called Details of the week, showing you guys some details of different things. This first post will be some details from my living room and office space.
I love small notebooks. I think they work very well as decoration.

I'm really into that white, black and beige look in my apartment. I also really like silvery things like these Villa Collection candle holders and vases.

'This big black, white and grey vase was a gift from my aunt and it's from Vietnam.

I bought 4 Eames chairs from my cousin as she was moving to Africa. My current apartment is really small so I don't have a dining area, but I'm planning on using them as dining chairs, when I move to London. In the meantime I use them in my decor.

I love adding some natural pieces like coral, sand and seashells to my decor. Without it I feel like everything would look to plain.

I also love ethnic pieces. This handpainted Indian wicker-basket Iuse as storage.

These paper wallets I did myself - I'll show you a DIY someday soon.

I've always loved camels. Right this moment I'm doing a DIY project for this blog with a camel sculpture. I'll post pics tomorrow. I found these two drawings of a couple of close-up camels I did in 2008. I'm thinking about doing these in HUGE paintings.
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